Artemisia herbal treatment…
A team of medical doctors in RDCongo, Jerome Munyangi and Michel Idumbo, have run randomized clinical trials on a large scale in the Maniema province with the participation of some 1000 malaria infected patients. The trials were run in conformity with the WHO procedures and compared Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra with ACTs (Coartem and ASAQ). For all the parameters tested artemisia herbal treatment was significantly better than ACTs: faster clearance for fever and parasitemia, absence of parasites on day 28 for 99.5% of the Artemisia treatments and 79.5% only for the ACT treatments. A total absence of side effects was evident for the treatments with the plants, but for the 498 patients treated with ACTs, 210 suffered from diarrhea, and/or nausea, pruritus, hypoglycemia etc. Continue reading
ARTEMISIA ANNUA – anti-malaria plant sweep Nobel prize in medicine 2015
Chinese pharmacologist Youyou Tu developed key antimalarial drug artemisinin.
Tu, who won a Lasker prize in 2011, developed the antimalarial drug artemisinin in the late 1960s and 1970s. She is the first China-based scientist to win a science Nobel. “This certainly is fantastic news for China. We expect more to come in the future,” says Wei Yang, president of the nation’s main research-funding agency, the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
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Can a Chinese herb win the malaria war?
A drug developed from a Chinese herbal remedy could be the most powerful weapon in the fight against the growing threat of malaria.
Chinese scientists have known about the drug, developed from the Artemesia plant, for decades.
But, according to the BBC’s Horizon program, political differences with the West have delayed its global launch for 30 years with the loss of millions of lives.
Malaria is estimated to kill 10,000 children a day worldwide. Continue reading
Before you treat patients, please read the notes below. Continue reading
Clinical Results of the Use of Artemisia annua Tea – March 2000
Without any doubt, the isolation of artemisinin from the Chinese medicinal plant Artemisia annua (1972) and the use of semi-synthetic medicines from artemisia have widened the range of treatment for malaria. Numerous studies in tropical countries have already demonstrated the very great potential of artemisia based medicines.
In contrast, we know of no clinical studies of the effectiveness and safety of tea preparations from the dried leaves of artemisia. This is somewhat surprising, given the fact that there has been much written about the use of such tea in traditional Chinese herbal medicine for over a thousand years, and it is included in the current Pharmacognosy of the Peoples’ Republic of China. Continue reading